Community Fundamentals

INSIDE Community Fundamentals

A Safe Space For All

Please support our intention of creating a peaceful environment. This space is open to all and we encourage mutual respect and consideration of all. We are committed to ensuring that events and trainings are inclusive and welcoming for everyone regardless of race, culture, religion, age, gender, gender expression or identity, ability, sexual orientation, or citizenship status. Please be mindful of your intentional and unintentional contributions to this space. We want ALL to feel safe and welcome here. We committed to learning, growing, and working towards embodying anti-racism.

I stand against abuses of power, sexual abuse, and any form of exploitation and discrimination. I want to acknowledge the credible allegations concerning sexual misconduct against Yogi Bhajan, founder of Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan, have come forward. I believe these serious and credible allegations and I stand with victims. What I offer is not affiliated with the Kundalini Research Institute or with Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Mission Statement

SACRED – Mutual Agreements



Commitment to each member feeling safe in the community, understanding that "safe" has different meanings to each person.



All perspectives are welcomed and celebrated. We respect each person as the beautiful individual they are.



"Trust Tree" - Information shared stays within the group. Share only your experience. In live discussions, we ask permission to talk to someone about what they've shared. Unless otherwise permitted, we do not share outside the group the details someone else has shared in confidence.



Respect all opinions and insights. Engage in respectful communication , avoiding judgmental words. Respect the group gatherings.



Permission to explore how our emotions and experience feel in our bodies.



Celebrate, acknowledge, and honor differences. Invite curiosity.